Enrollment Information
General Information
The admissions process for the School of Missionary Aviation Technology is open to all individuals who have the proper background and capacity to benefit from the program and courses offered at SMAT.
The School of Missionary Aviation Technology is committed to training persons in aviation for the purpose of equipping them for Christian Service in Missionary Aviation. However, entrance into the program is open to all persons regardless of their religious affiliation.
There are certain standards of conduct to which we ask all students to ascribe. Please respect and honorably adhere to the standards of conduct of the school. One should be discerning in the areas of media and entertainment. Additionally, you should abstain from illegal drugs and excessive use of alcohol. Avoid immoral behavior in such areas as sexual behavior, lying, stealing, and cheating.
Please note: All applicants must be prepared to provide evidence of a high school diploma or equivalent and a recent photo in the admissions process. Additionally, applicants for the flight program must provide a copy of a second or first class FAA medical (please contact SMAT for more information).
Admission Fees & Costs
Include with the application a $25 application fee. Additionally, a $500 registration fee will be required once you have been accepted into the program. This registration fee will be applied to the total tuition when enrolling in the course of study being pursued.
Application Deadline
Applicants should register as soon as possible for the year they plan to attend.
Applications will be considered and processed until the first day of class unless the class is filled. After that time, entrance into the program will be based on the Program Administrators recommendation.
Anti-Discrimination Policy
Admission to the School of Missionary Aviation Technology is open to all students. This being said, they should have the proper background and capacity to benefit from the program and courses taught in the FAA aviation flight and maintenance curriculum. SMAT does not discriminate or exclude persons from training on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, political persuasion, handicap, age, weight, height, or marital status.
A good faith effort will be made to accommodate all students with special needs if it can be demonstrated that with support services, the student will be able to complete the program and subsequently be eligible to be placed in their chosen field of training.
Ready to Join Us?
Our mission is to prepare you to be an aviation professional with real life skills and competencies you can use in any future workplace. With 3 ways of submitting your application, applying is a breeze!