Job Opportunities
Jobs in Aviation
Our mission goes beyond a student’s certification. We also aim to support our students by connecting our students with potential employers.
Job Opportunities with Our Alliances
We have alliances with mission agencies and other schools that send their students to SMAT for the specialized training we can provide.
Here are the job boards of some of the mission agencies with whom our graduates serve or with which we are affiliated:
- MAF – Jobs with Missionary Aviation Fellowship
- JAARS – Jobs with Jungle Aviation and Relay Service
- AIM-AIR – Jobs with Africa Inland Mission
- ETHNOS360 – Jobs with Ethnos360 Aviation
- SAM – Jobs with South America Mission
- ABWE – Jobs with Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
- MERCY AIR – Jobs with Mercy Air
- HELIMISSION – Jobs with Helimission
- MAG – Jobs with Missionary Air Group
- MARC – Jobs with Missionary Aviation Repair Center
- MFI – Jobs with Missionary Flights International
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Work With SMAT!
Your maintenance training at SMAT may not stop after receiving your FAA certificate. Visit our Post-Graduate Opportunities page to learn about our A&P technician program.